
Ales Pajovic

Personal data

Left back
Date of birth:
Place of birth:
Celje (SLO)
Nationality:Nationalflagge SLO
Marital status:
going steady with Tina, two children (Lia and Josh)
Sports, music, movies, tv
In club since:
2007 (signed contract on 02 Oct 2007)
In club until:
2008 (until 01.01.2008)
Celje Pivovarna Lasko (SLO)
2003 BM Ciudad Real (ESP)
02.10.2007 THW Kiel
01.01.2008 Ciudad Real (ESP)
2009 Celje Pivovarna Lasko (SLO)
24.02.2011 HC Shoppingcity Seiersberg (AUT)
2011 SC Magdeburg
2012 TuS N-Lübbecke
2015 HSG Graz (AUT)
2018 end of career
Coached clubs:
2015 HSG Graz
2019 Österreichische Nationalmannschaft
30.01.2025 SG Flensburg-Handwitt
2015 HSG Graz
2019 Austrian national team
30.01.2025 SG Flensburg-Handewitt
Appearances in the national team:
181 SLO (as at 28.03.2019)
Goals in the national team:
697 (as at 28.03.2019)
Career highlights:
As player:
  • Slovenian champion 2010 with Celje
  • Slovenian cup winner 2010 with Celje
  • Deutscher Meister 2008
  • Champions Trophy winner 2007
  • Spanish champion 2004, 2007 and 2008 with Ciudad Real
  • Club EC winner 2005 and 2006 with Ciudad Real
  • Champions League winner 2006 and 2008 with Ciudad Real
  • Spanish cup winner 2006, 2007 and 2008 with Ciudad Real
  • Spanish league cup winner 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007 with Ciudad Real
  • Spanish super cup winner 2005 with Ciudad Real
  • Slovenian champion 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2003 with Celje Pivovarna Lasko
  • Slovenian cup winner 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001 with Celje Pivovarna Lasko
  • Silver EC 2004
As coach:
  • 8th place Euro 2024
  • 8th place Euro 2020
  • 20th place Euro 2022
  • 26th place WC 2021
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Ales Pajovic.
Klicken Sie zum Vergrößern! Ales Pajovic.

Ales Pajovic in action.
Klicken Sie zum Vergrößern! Ales Pajovic in action.

Ales Pajovic in action.
Klicken Sie zum Vergrößern! Ales Pajovic in action.

Ales Pajovic.
Klicken Sie zum Vergrößern! Ales Pajovic.

His statistics for THW Kiel

seasontype goalspenaltiesfield goalsmatchesgoals per match
with pen.w/o pen.
07/08 BL 29 1 28 12 2,4 2,3
07/08 CL 0 0 0 0 -,- -,-
07/08 DHB 12 0 12 3 4,0 4,0
07/08 VEM 0 0 0 0 -,- -,-
07/08 sum 41 1 40 15 2,7 2,7 Details
Total BL 29 1 28 12 2,4 2,3
Total EC 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total DHB 12 0 12 3 4,0 4,0
Total VEM 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Sum 41 1 40 15 2,7 2,7
BL=German 1st divison, BLO=1st division play offs, DHB=German cup, CL=Champions League, EHF=EHF cup, EL=European League, CUP=European cup of cup winners, IHF=IHF cup, VEM=Team EC, VWM=Team WC, LM=European cup of national champions

Statistics for other clubs

seasonLeagueclub goalspenaltiesfield goalsmatchesgoals per match
with pen.w/o pen.
06/07 1. span. Liga Ciudad Real (ESP) 58 0 58 26 2,2 2,2
07/08 1. span. Liga Ciudad Real (ESP) 21 0 21 13 1,6 1,6
08/09 1. span. Liga Ciudad Real (ESP) 72 17 55 24 3,0 2,3
11/12 1. BL SC Magdeburg 101 0 101 32 3,2 3,2
12/13 1. BL TUS N-Lübbecke 72 0 72 29 2,5 2,5
13/14 1. BL TuS N-Lübbecke 111 0 111 33 3,4 3,4
14/15 1. BL TuS N-Lübbecke 20 0 20 27 0,7 0,7
15/16 2. österr. Liga HSG Graz 192 75 117 297 0,6 0,4
Saisons in der ersten Bundesliga sind fett markiert.

Total statistics for all 1st German division matches

seasongoalspenaltiesfield goalsmatchesgoals per match
with pen.w/o pen.
Total 333 1 332 133 2,5 2,5